Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I've been meaning to post a blog here for a while, but things have been quite busy. But, it's important, particularly this time of year, to be thankful of all things. I thought it might be good form to post of listing of things that I'm thankful of.

I'm thankful for...My Children. Hands down, my children are the thing that I'm most thankful for. I am so thankful that the Lord chose to bless me and Laura with such wonderful children, full to the brim with personality and good looking to boot. If there is ever a reason to want to get out there and make the world a better place, it is to inspire my children.

I'm thankful for...My Wife. Let's face it. Mrs. Price puts up with alot with me being around. Being together these last 10 years, and married for eight of them, has certainly tested her patience. But we've stuck through things and even in the worst of times I can see in her eyes that she is still as much in love with me as I am with her. (at least that's what I hope I'm seeing in her eyes)

I'm thankful for...My family. My parents, my in-laws, my grandparents, my sisters, my brother-in-law, my nieces and nephews, my aunts and uncles, and approximately 10,000 cousins. I have been blessed to be part of a loving extended family. Sure there are some nuts on the family tree (perhaps I am one of them), but we have always been one big happy family.

I'm thankful for...My friends. I'm thankful for old friends whose paths cross only once a year or so, or friends that I see on a weekly basis. I'm thankful that I have an increasing number of friends that I can depend one when necessary, sometimes without even needing to ask.

I'm thankful for... My faith and church. Not many of us can say that they still go to the same church they grew up. Or that the same preacher paid a pivotal part in their growing up, from childhood to adulthood. Who instilled faith with comedy and seriousness. Who blessed and presided not only over their marriage but also the baptism of his children.

I'm thankful for... My nation. As I've always said, I live in the best state in the best nation on earth. And as I travel abroad, and enjoy meeting and being exposed to new cultures, it is always nothing less than refreshing to return home and be part of our great democracy. I am thankful for this great democratic experience that was established by our forefathers and even in times of uncertainty and adversity, continues to flourish

I'm thankful for... Our military. The men and women, past and present, who risk everything to defend our country and protect the United States both at home and abroad. I am thankful

I'm thankful for... Our President-Elect and the new administration. I am thankful that every four years we have an opportunity, as a nation to determine who our leaders will in Washington.

I'm thankful for... Productive debate and respectful dissention. I am thankful that there are people who are willing to debate issues for the betterment of our country and comonwealth. Only through lively productive discussion and debate do we grow as a nation.

and I'm also thankful for...

Double ear infections and double pink eye, because even though he wasn't feeling well, Jackson and his father had a wonderful time at home yesterday.

Christmas trees that are only decorated four foot up due to little hands that refuse to stop taking ornaments.

Be thankful for what you have and the freedom that allows you to have it.

That's just a few things. What do you have to be thankful of?
